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3 Mental Health Readouts Left as March Movers!


  • ITCI, NRXP & VTGN are left in our March Movers list, all are in the mental health category

  • NRXP & VTGN are March Big Movers and ITCI is a March Suspected Mover

  • All 3 of these assets could read out any day!

  • See all remaining March movers in our forum HERE after subscribing. Learn more here.

The March BPIQ Movers list includes three assets in the mental health realm: ITCI's asset in MDD, NRXP's asset in SSIB, and VTGN's asset in Adjustment disorder and anxiety. See below for more info on each of these assets, and previous news from this company.


  • ITCI asset: Lumateperone

  • Indication: Major Depressive Disorder

  • Stage and catalyst event for March: Phase 3 data readout - Data from Study '403 monotherapy trial

    • Other readouts coming: Studies 501 and 502 data & sNDA in 2024

  • Big mover or suspected mover? Suspected Mover

  • Mechanism of Action: Lumateperone is a combination of a serotonin 5-HT2A receptor antagonist & postsynaptic dopamine D2 antagonist

  • Competitors:

    • Other MDD assets: RLMD Ph3 data; SEEL Ph2 data; XENE Ph2 data; NBIX Ph2 data & more!

    • Other serotonin receptor antagonists or dopamine receptor antagonists: SEEL Ph2/3 update; KRTX Ph3 data; CMRX Ph3 update; NBIX Ph3 data & more!

  • Run-up in recent years: Steady run-up since 2020

FIG. 1 ITCI Pipeline


  • NRXP asset: NRX-101

  • Indication: Sub acute suicidal ideation & behavior (SSIB)

  • Stage and catalyst event for March: Phase 2/3 data readout

  • Big mover or suspected mover? Big Mover

  • Mechanism of Action: D-cycloserine (DCS) and lurasidone fixed-dose combination oral capsule for the maintenance of remission from Severe Bipolar Depression with Acute Suicidal Ideation or Behavior (ASIB) in adults with Bipolar Depression following initial stabilization with ketamine.

  • Competitors:

    • Other SSIB assets: SEEL SLS-002 Phase 2 data readout

  • Recent run-up? Yes, in December 2020 b/c of merger w/ Big Rock but steadily down since then

FIG. 2 NRXP Pipeline


  • VTGN asset: PH94B

  • Indication: Adjustment disorder

  • Stage and catalyst event for March: Phase 2a data readout

  • Big mover or suspected mover? Big Mover

  • Mechanism of action: PH94B is an innovative odorless investigational pherine nasal spray designed to have a rapid-onset therapeutic  effect. PH94B is self-administered in microgram-level doses and produced rapid-onset (within approximately  15 minutes) anti-anxiety effects without sedation or systemic uptake and  distribution.

  • Run-up in the last year? No, stock down big in July 2022 from Phase 3 PH94B trial in social anxiety disorder (Company expanded the PH94B pipeline into adjustment disorder in October 2021)

FIG. 3 VTGN Pipeline

See all remaining March movers in our forum HERE after subscribing. Learn more here.


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