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Big Movers in Q2... Which Indications are Most Common?


  • There are four common indications seen in Q2 Big/Suspected Movers

    • NASH/Liver disease, kidney disease, eye disease, and mental health

  • See below for the 21 assets in these four indications and which we are most excited for!

  • Sign up to become a BPIQ subscriber and see all Big events coming in Q2 2023. Learn more here.

The four most common indications seen in the Q2 2023 Movers list are NASH/Liver disease, kidney disease, eye disease, and mental health. These indications may be of special interest to investors because of their commonality in our Big Movers and Suspected Movers lists!

NASH & Liver disease

  • VKTX - VK2809 for NASH (Ph2 data)

  • NGM - Aldafermin for NASH w/ liver fibrosis (Ph2b data)

  • ICPT - Ocaliva for liver fibrosis due to NASH (AdComm)

  • AKRO - Efruxifermin for pre-cirrhotic NASH (Ph2b data)

  • VIR - VIR-2218 for hepatitis B virus (Ph2 data)

  • GNFT - Elafibranor for Primary biliary cholangitis (Ph3 data)

  • HEPA - HEPA-CRV431-210 for NASH (Ph2 data)


Eye disease

  • EYEN - MicroStat for Eye disease (PDUFA approval)

  • ALDX - ADX-2191 for Retinitis pigmentosa (PDUFA approval)

  • ANNX - ANX007 for Geographic atrophy (Ph2 data)

  • PTN - PL9643 for Dry eye disease (Ph3 data)

  • VRDN - VRDN-001 for Chronic thyroid eye disease (Ph2 data)


Kidney disease

  • TVTX - Sparsentan for Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (Ph3 data)

  • GLPG - GLPG2737 for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (Ph2 data)

  • ELOX - ELX-02 for alport syndrome (Ph2 data)

Big run-up for ELOX! up 190% in 2023, especially since beginning of April (See Fig 1)

FIG. 1 - ELOX run-up through 2023


Mental health

  • LPCN - LPCN1154 for PPD (Ph2 data)

  • SEEL SLS-002 for ASIB-MDD (Ph2 data)

  • BTAI - BXCL501 for Acute agitation in schizophrenia (Ph3 data)

  • AMRX - IPX203 for Parkinson's disease (PDUFA approval)

  • ALZN - AL001 for Alzheimer's disease (Ph2 data)


The Big Movers / those we are most excited for in these indications...

  • LPCN (Q2) - Ph2 data (Big Mover)

    • Run up - no run up this year. Down 35% in 2023

  • SEEL (Q2) - Ph2 data (Big Mover)

    • Run up - no run up this year. Only down 1% this year

  • EYEN (May 8) - PDUFA (Big Mover)

    • Run up - run up in 2023, up over 200% in 2023! (See Fig 2)

  • NASH assets are huge this quarter!

  • AKRO (Q2) - Ph2b data (Suspected Mover)

    • Run up - run up since beginning of April, +11% in last month

  • ICPT (May 19) - PDUFA AdComm (Suspected Mover)

    • Run up - run up from Jan to beginning of March 2023, then up again +26% since beginning of April

  • VKTX (Q2) - Ph2 data (Suspected Mover)

    • Run up - up over 150% this year! Especially with a big jump since the end of March (See Fig 3)

FIG. 2 - EYEN run-up through 2023

FIG. 3 - VKTX run-up through 2023

In early April we published our updated Movers list that includes events through the first half of the year! See this post for all upcoming Movers in Q2.

BiopharmaIQ is proud to be the Big-Mover™ catalyst company. With all these exciting readouts on our Q2 2023 lists, you are likely to find a few that pique your interest. See our Full Q2 2023 Big Movers forum post HERE.


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This article will likely be updated from time to time

Article History:

4/28/23 Initial publication of Q2 Big Indication list

This article is NOT investment, tax, or legal advice. Please use this as a starting point for your detailed diligence and consult professional advisers before making investment decisions.



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